Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Low Cost Interventions for Subsistence FarmersA social media campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Inventions For Life: Low Cost InnovationsA social media campaign to spread awareness of revolutionary inventions helping subsistence farmers in developing countries
Simple & Affordable Solutions: Subsistence FarmingA social media campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
5 Simple, Low Cost Farming SolutionsA student-made buzzfeed article, depicting five low cost solutions to help subsistence farmers
SubsistenceAssistance: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Low-Cost Interventions for Farming in Developing CountriesA student-made video to aimed at providing solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers in Nepal
That’s a Rap: Nepal and Hillside FarmersA song created by a University of Guelph student suggesting possible solutions to the effects of erosion on terrace farming
Terrace and Hillside Agriculture: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign illustrating the problems faced by the world's hillsideand terrace subsistence farmers
Do you have what it takes to be a hillside farmer?A student made quiz illustrating the problems faced by the world's hillside subsistence farmers
Subsistence Farms: Low Cost SolutionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Change Can Be Easy: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Ag Solutions: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Simple Farming Solutions: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign and video to raise awareness of simple solutions for farmers globally
Let’s Get Farming: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Nepal Farming Solutions: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by Neplaese subsistence farmers
Preventing Soil Erosion with Conservation AgricultureA video to demonstrate the incorporatation of conservation agriculture to prevent soil erosion for subsistence farmers
Solutions for Hillside Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA social media resource to promote sustainable agricultural practices for subsistence farmers in developing countries
The 5 C’s of Sustainable Farming: Low Cost InterventionsA social media resource to promote sustainable agricultural practices for subsistence farmers in developing countries
PP Identification: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign to promote awareness regarding pest and pathogen identification for subsistence farmers
Solutions to Hillside Farming: Low Cost InterventionsA website aimed to address several low cost solutions to problems faced by hillside farmers
Solutions for Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign to address five problems faced by subsistence farmers
Low Cost Farming Interventions For The Global SouthA website aimed to address several low cost solutions to problems faced by subsistence farmers
Subsistence Farming Solutions: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Low Cost Agricultural SolutionsA social media campaign and video promoting 5 potential solutions to problems faced by subsistence farmers
Subsistence SolutionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers