Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Nepalese Cardamom: Export IdeaA University of Guelph student report on the export potential of Nepalese Cardamom for trade with Canada
Tree Fruit Picker: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Chiuri Butter: Potential Export ProductA resource link to learn more about Nepalese chiuri butter: Click to learn more
Drip Line Irrigation with a Supplementary Fertilizer: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Measuring Scoop: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Global Farming Initiatives: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign intended to spark interest on promoting sustainable agricultural practices for terrace farmers
Hazelnut Saplings: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Trout Eggs: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Aluminium Foil: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Frugal Farming Today: Low Cost InterventionsA Facebook page to outline ten low cost solutions to common challenges for subsistence farmers
Ultrasonic Rodent Repellent: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Low Cost Interventions for Subsistence FarmersA social media campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
IPL 12-Series plastic container: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Bovine Paratuberculosis Vaccine: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Barely: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Bee Vectoring Technology: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Sweet Potato Seedlings: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Thymox Disinfectant: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Sugar Beet Seeds: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Beak Trimmers: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Subsistence Farming 101: Low Cost InterventionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Plastic Chicken Wire: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Manufactured Seed Sieves: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Drip Line Irrigation: Canadian Export IdeaPotential Canadian export product to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Portable Milk Machine: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources