Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Subsistence Farming: Low Cost SolutionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Hillside Agriculture – Low Cost SolutionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by hillside farmers
Subsistence Farming 101: Low Cost InterventionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers
Low Cost Ag SolutionsA website aimed to address several low cost solutions to problems faced by subsistence farmers
Clean Seeds Feed: Low Cost InterventionsA social media to raise awareness about the importance of seeds and selection/preparation techniques for subsistence farmers
Small Solution, Big Impact- Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign promoting 5 potential solutions to food storage problems faced by the world's subsistence farmers
African Hillside Subsistence Farmers- Low Cost InterventionsA Facebook campaign to raise awareness about the problems faced by African subsistence farmers on hillsides
Low Cost Ag SolutionsA campaign aimed to address several problems faced by subsistence farmers in Nepal
Five Low Cost Solutions to Address Soil Erosion in NepalA YouTube video suggesting five low cost solutions to address soil erosion in Nepal
Party Tricks For Ag Development- Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform highlighting developmental projects and low cost interventions for the world's subsistence farmers
Solutions for Rural Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA website link highlighting low cost interventions for the world's subsistence farmers
Everything Agriculture- Low Cost InterventionsA website link highlighting low cost interventions for the world's subsistence farmers
Tools for subsistence and terrace farmersVideo and weblink resources of Tools for subsistence and terrace farmers
Manual Step SeederManual Step Seeder with application to the foothills of Nepal
Rural Agriculture Solutions: A Low Cost InterventionAn excellent reference website and social media counterpart detailing low cost farming solutions for remote hillside farmers
Simple Farming Solutions: A Low Cost InterventionLow cost interventions for the world's subsistence farmers presented using Facebook as a social media platform
Money for Change: A Low Cost InterventionA Facebook page highlighting solutions to common problems faced by the world's poorest subsistence farmers
Major Problems of Poor Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA YouTube video bringing to light problems faced by the world'd poorest farmers and low cost solutions
Helping Nepalese Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA campaign aimed to introduce simple agricultural practices and solutions to student groups from Nepal and other countries
Helping Subsistence Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA Facebook page with the purpose of providing simple solutions for common problems faced by subsistence farmers
Rethinking Bandaids: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform working to shift farming interventions away from bandaid solutions to more sustainable practices
5 Solutions in AgricultureA website to raise awareness for agricultural issues in the global south
“To Help Themselves” : Low Cost InterventionsUseful lessons to improve African subsistence farming practices, accompanied by music of various African regions
Practical Agriculture Solutions for Subsistence FarmersA social media campaign to bring attention to the challenges of subsistence farmers and to present simple low-cost solutions
Reducing Female Drudgery: Low Cost InterventionsA studnet made social media campaign surrounding issues faced by female farmers on Nepalese hillside terraces