Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Change Can Be Easy: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Farming Solutions: Low Cost InterventionsUsing tumblr as a platform to present information about successful interventions that can provide to hillside farmers
Neplaese LycheeThis University of Guelph student report encourages Nepalese lychee as an export to the Canadian market
Nepalese Beer: Export Idea A student report outlining the export potential of Nepalese beer to promote bilateral trade between Nepal and Canada
Raspberry Seeds: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepali Orthodox TeaThis student report highlights the potential for Nepali Orthodox Tea to be a lucrative export for the Nepalese
Bamboo Shoots: An Opportunity for Nepalese Farmers and Canadian ConsumersHelpful resource links suggesting Nepalese bamboo shoots as a potential export product: Click to learn more
Rabbit Farming: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Subsistence Farms: Low Cost SolutionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers
Nepalese Allo: Potential Export IdeaResources providing valuable information on the details and benefits of this Nepalese nettle: Learn more with these resources
Low Cost Poultry Netting: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Oil press machine: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Milk Pasteurization Equipment: Canadian Export IdeaPotential Canadian export product to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Sea Buckthorn: Export IdeaA resource providing insight on Nepalese Sea Buckthorn: Click to learn more
Plastic Chicken Wire: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Dried Chickpeas: Potential Nepalese Agrifood ExportA student paper suggesting the benefits of dried Nepalese chickpeas as a potential export product: Click to learn more
Promoting Nepalese Alder Wood Exports to CanadaHelpful resource links suggesting alder wood as a potential Nepalese export product: Click to learn more
Rolled Corn: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Jimbu: Potential Export IdeaA Wikipedia entry to inform readers on the details of Nepalese Jimbu : Click to learn more
Antimicrobial Livestock Mat: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Garlic: Potential Nepalese Export ProductHelpful resource links suggesting garlic as a potential Nepalese export product: Click to learn more
Neem Oil: Potential Nepalese Export ProductHelpful resource links suggesting neem oil as a potential Nepalese export product: Click to learn more
“YakMac”: Canadian Export IdeaUniversity of Guelph student suggests the innovative idea of a specialty macaroni and cheese to be exported by the Nepalese
Canadian Chickpeas For Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Allium (Jimbu)University of Guelph student David Borish outlines the economic benefits of Jimbu, a flowering plant, to the Nepalese