Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

GPI Water-Flow Meter: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Chicory Seeds: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Farming at a Forte! : A Low Cost InterventionDedicated to promoting simple, low-cost solutions, this Youtube channel supports productive and sustainable agriculture
Ag Baggers & Silage: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help farmers in Nepal: Learn more with these resources
Gravitational Water Filtration System: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Anthelmintic Drugs: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
ERC Bagger Baxmatic: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Guava Juice: An Export Opportunity for Nepalese FarmersHelpful resources containing information on Nepalese guava juice as a potential export product: Click to learn more
Canadian Seed Variety of Strawberries: Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Helping Subsistence Farmers: Low Cost InterventionsA Facebook page with the purpose of providing simple solutions for common problems faced by subsistence farmers
Econo Roller Mill to Improve Feed Quality in NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Chutro: Potential Export IdeaAn informative resource to learnmore about Nepalese Chutro: Click to learn more
Solutions to Hillside Farming: Low Cost InterventionsA website aimed to address several low cost solutions to problems faced by hillside farmers
Spanish River Carbonite: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Better Farming Nepal: Low Cost InterventionsAn Instagram account to promote variety of ideas to aid Nepalese farmers dealing with weeds and soil erosion
Five Simple Solutions for Less than a CoffeeA buzzfeed article focusing on solutions to reduce the drudgery of female subsistence farmers
Nepalese Junar: Export IdeaUniversity of Guelph student report detailing the export potential of Junar, a citrus fruit indigenous to the Nepalese region
Nepalese Chiuri Butter: Potential Export ProductA resource link to learn more about Nepalese chiuri butter: Click to learn more
“Keeping Your Birds Healthy” – Resource KitPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Hand-held Spice Grinders: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Neem Oil: Potential Nepalese Export ProductHelpful resource links suggesting neem oil as a potential Nepalese export product: Click to learn more
Sugarcane Processing Equipment:Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
PῧrPod100™ Canadian Compostable Coffee Pod: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Blueberry Seeds: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Farm2Feed: Subsistence Agriculture TipsFarm2Feed is a social media campaign that brings attention to better farming practices for subsistence farmers