Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Sheep Genetics: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Hand-held Spice Grinders: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Turmeric: Export IdeaA student report analyzing the export potential for Nepalese Turmeric in the Canadian marketplace
Faba Beans: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Electric Sheep Shearing Machine: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Water Purification Equipment: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Ultra-Violet Water Disinfection Systems: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Canadian Seed Variety of Strawberries: Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Planting Clean SeedsImproving grain yield through simple water sorting technique
Forward Farming: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign to connect with other agriculture initiatives around the world
Molybdenum Fertilizer: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export potential from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Tree Fruit Picker: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Handheld Sprayer as Canadian Export to NepalPotetnial export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers
Mastitis Prevention Techniques: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Jackfruit: Potential Export IdeaAn informative resource to shed light on the Nepalese Jackfruit: Click to learn more
Raspberry Seeds: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Oil press machine: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Plastic Chicken Wire: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Agriculture Solutions for Nepal: Low Cost InterventionsA student made video outlining low cost agricultural interventions to help hillside farmers in Nepal
Poultry Leg Bands: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Portable Greenhouse Shelter: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Potash Fertilizer: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Global Farming Initiatives: Low Cost InterventionsA social media campaign intended to spark interest on promoting sustainable agricultural practices for terrace farmers
Udder Comfort: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Long Handled Apple Pickers: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources