Canadian Agrifood Ambassadors Resources

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Canadian Export Ideas Nepalese Export Ideas Low Cost Interventions

Canadian Maple Syrup: Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help farmers in Nepal: Learn more with these resources
Egg Transportation Equipment: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Aloe Vera: Potential Nepalese ExportHelpful resource links suggesting aloe vera as a potential Nepalese export product: Click to learn more
Nepalese Horse GramA report looking at the export potential of Nepalese Horse Gram, a legume that could be growth in Nepal's hillside regions
Poultry Aspirator Kits: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Frozen Momo: Nepalese Export IdeaLearn more about the Nepalese product known as "Frozen Momo" with this resourceful website link: Click to learn more
Jiffy – 7 Peat Pellets: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Rennet Tablets: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Cannabis seeds: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Raksi Liquor Bilateral Trade: Nepalese Export IdeaAn informative resource on Raksi liqour as a potential Nepalese export: Click to learn more
Hybrid 1 Pearl Millet Seed: Canadian Export to NepalPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
OAC Garroy Peanuts Seeds: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Lentil Rhizobium Inoculant: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese CTC TeaOutlined in this student report is the possibility of CTC Tea as a Nepalese export to the Canadian market
Manure Tea as Fertilizer: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Wai Wai Noodle: Export IdeaExport potential of the Nepalese Wai Wai noodle is analyzed in this student report to encourage bilateral trade with Canada
Tillage Radishes: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
“Super Gac” Bringing Nepal’s Super Fruit to Canada’s Juice IndustryHelpful resource links suggesting Nepalese Super Gac as a potential export product: Click to learn more
Horticultural Containers: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help farmers in Nepal: Learn more with these resources
Portable Nitrogen Fixation Unit: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to assist Nepalese farmers : Learn more with these resources
Nepalese Organic Baby Clothing: Export Potential IdeaResource links to learn more about Nepalese organic baby clothing: Learn more with these resources
Berberis arista: Potential Nepalese ExportHelpful resource links suggesting Nepalese Berberis arista as an export product: Click to learn more
Tools for subsistence and terrace farmersVideo and weblink resources of Tools for subsistence and terrace farmers
Silo Innoculant: Canadian Export IdeaPotential export product from Canada to help Nepalese farmers: Learn more with these resources
Change Can Be Easy: Low Cost InterventionsA social media platform aimed to provide solutions to several problems faced by hillside subsistence farmers