Project Methodology

Step 1: We have performed a needs assessment and have determined priority needs via conducting surveys of farmers.

Step 2: We have nominated a toolkit of interventions that come from commercial products or indigenous knowledge (locally or abroad).

Step 3: We are using participatory approaches to determine if such interventions would be adopted or should be modified, focusing on women farmers.

Step 4: We will test the interventions (if not previously tested in our existing CIFSRF project) via on-farm experiments in which farmer fields are divided into split plots (traditional farmer practice vs intervention; n=10 plots minimum).

Step 5: By Month 12, we will hire a snackfood distribution expert in Nepal, then procure and begin to sell components of the interventions as sustainable agriculture kits (SAKs) to stall franchises, using an NGO spin off company (Anamolbiu) as a vehicle along with distributing through existing agricultural vendors.

Step 6: We will use the names and addresses of consumers who purchased the SAK products to measure the success of the products and distribution network by conducting consumer satisfaction surveys.